Monday, November 7, 2011

GSK - GlaxoSmithCline

GSK is the abbreviation for GlaxoSmithCline. As one of the world's leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, its motto of 'Do more, feel better, live longer' is achieved in many parts of the world and is now targeting on developing countries who need the medical aid and advancement as soon as possible. This is not related to what I intend to follow up in the future, but this opportunity is not easy to come by and truly, such exposure would be unwise to put off. It can also provide many of us with knowledge of how a small part of manufacturing can have an impact on a big corporation.

The gentleman in the video above is CEO of GSK, Andrew Witty. He explains the many challenges that GSK has to overcome to achieve progress in terms of vaccine business, consumer healthcare business, market leadership. He believes in allowing creativity to conjure new ideas for researchers and constantly adapt to the need of the public. One of his recent aims is to reform operations to work more efficiently and it is evident that he cares about the well-being of his employees and shareholders. He is willing to put his interests before the interests of the majority(the company), sacrificing for the greater good.
In 2010, GSK has grown significantly despite losses caused by various health situations worldwide, showcasing their influence in the medical industry. Their research and development has managed to develop 15 key assets that secure the companies future prospects. The emphasis of the company remains on providing effiecient and reliable service to patients, and is determined to cross an even greater milestone in the near future.

I am thoroughly impressed by Mr. Andrew Witty. He is truly an entrepreneurial leader who is insightful, capable and constantly adapts to cope with negative situations, seizing these opportunities to turn the tide around and even find further progress in these areas through determination and selflessness. His beliefs are not at all clouded and his goals are clear. Judging from his description of the company's outlook, he has put much effort in planning for the future 2 years ahead, clearly indicating his passion for the company and its motto of bringing good to the society.

Frankly speaking, I thought that the trip to GSK would be relatively boring, but after doing some research, I realised that the process of manufacturing is not at all simple as I thought. In fact, it requires a precise process operated by advanced machines and I am truly curious on the truth behind such machinery.

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